Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Statistical modelling of CG interdistance across multiple organisms

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-10-15, 05:00 authored by Merlotti A., Faria Valle I., Castellani G., Remondini D.
The additional file contains: a section where we show our fitting method performance on different synthetic data sets; a section where we show the plot of gamma and stretched exponential fit results for CG interdistance distribution of Homo sapiens; a section where we show how we calculated errors on r-squared, based on Olkin and Finn’s approximation; a final section where we collected into two tables all the informations about the analysis perfomed on the 4425 organisms. The first table contains informations about organism type and identification on NCBI website; the second contains gamma fit parameters, ratio of unkown nucleotides (%N), ratio of CG dinucleotides (%CG) and r-squared values. (PDF 1960 kb)
