Springer Nature

Additional file 1 of Simultaneous targeted and discovery-driven clinical proteotyping using hybrid-PRM/DIA

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-04-03, 03:43 authored by Sandra Goetze, Audrey van Drogen, Jonas B. Albinus, Kyle L. Fort, Tejas Gandhi, Damiano Robbiani, Véronique Laforte, Lukas Reiter, Mitchell P. Levesque, Yue Xuan, Bernd Wollscheid
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. MSxPRM performance of hybrid-PRM/DIA on tumor-associated antigen peptides without HeLa background matrix. Fig. S2. Hybrid-PRM/DIA performance on TAA peptides in terms of CVs (MSxPRM) and protein group identifications (DIA). Fig. S3. Scheduling windows for monitoring 60, 120 or 179 targets simultaneously in MSxPRM. Fig. S4. Extracted level-1/level-2 melanoma markers from a DIA data matrix of 95 melanoma patient samples. Fig. S5. Calibration curve of the PMEL peptide NQDWLGVSR


Thermo Fisher Scientific Personalized Health and Related Technologies strategic focus area (PHRT), ETHZ Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
