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Additional file 1 of Short-chain fatty acid valerate reduces voluntary alcohol intake in male mice

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-18, 04:00 authored by Suresh C. Bokoliya, Jordan Russell, Yair Dorsett, Hunter A. Panier, Vijender Singh, Lauren Daddi, Hanshu Yuan, Liv R. Dedon, Zhongmao Liu, Yuqi Zhou, Zefang Min, Jessica R. Barson, Jonathan Covault, Jason A. Bubier, Yanjiao Zhou
Supplementary Material 1: Supplementary Figure 1. SCFA supplementation effect on ethanol consumption. (A) Ethanol consumption and (B) BEC in mice supplemented with SCFAs and NaCl (n=7 mice/group). The data is depicted using boxplots. One way ANOVA was employed, followed by Tukey’s post-hoc analysis to compare ethanol consumption and BEC levels between groups. The significant p-value is displayed within the figure.


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Jackson Laboratory
