Springer Nature

Additional file 1 of Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in social housing areas in Denmark

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posted on 2022-02-11, 04:24 authored by Kamille Fogh, Alexandra R. R. Eriksen, Rasmus B. Hasselbalch, Emilie Sofie Kristensen, Henning Bundgaard, Susanne D. Nielsen, Charlotte S. Jørgensen, Bibi F. S. S. Scharff, Christian Erikstrup, Susanne G. Sækmose, Dorte K. Holm, Bitten Aagaard, Jakob Norsk, Pernille Brok Nielsen, Jonas H. Kristensen, Lars Østergaard, Svend Ellermann-Eriksen, Berit Andersen, Henrik Nielsen, Isik S. Johansen, Lothar Wiese, Lone Simonsen, Thea K. Fischer, Fredrik Folke, Freddy Lippert, Sisse R. Ostrowski, Steen Ethelberg, Anders Koch, Anne-Marie Vangsted, Tyra Grove Krause, Anders Fomsgaard, Claus Nielsen, Henrik Ullum, Robert Skov, Kasper Iversen
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Map of seropositivity (made with Rstudio, own source). Figure S2. Frequency of symptoms among 3236 individuals in SH areas stratified by seropositivity. Figure S3. Forest plot of risk ratios (RR) for each symptom reported by questionnaire cohort. Figure S4. General recommendations from the Danish Health authorities. Figure S5. Change of behavior among 3236 individuals in SH areas during the pandemic stratified by seropositivity. Figure S6. Change of behavior among 3,236 individuals in SH areas during the pandemic stratified by sex and age in quartiles.


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