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Additional file 1 of Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 2 (SCAMP2) regulates cell surface expression of T-type calcium channels

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posted on 2022-01-04, 05:10 authored by Leos Cmarko, Robin N. Stringer, Bohumila Jurkovicova-Tarabova, Tomas Vacik, Lubica Lacinova, Norbert Weiss
Additional file 1. Fig. S1. Functional effect of SCAMP2 on Cav3.1 and Cav3.3 channels. a Representative T-type current traces from tsA-201 cells expressing Cav3.1 alone (black traces) and in combination with SCAMP2 (blue traces) in response to 150 ms depolarizing steps varied from -90 mV to +30 mV from a holding potential of -100 mV. b Corresponding mean current/voltage (I/V) relationships. c Corresponding mean maximal macroscopic conductance values (Gmax) obtained from the fit of the I/V curves with the modified Boltzmann Eq. (1). d–e Same legend as for a–c but for cells expressing Cav3.3 channel.
