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Additional file 1 of Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model and in-silico flux analysis of Aspergillus tubingensis: a non-mycotoxinogenic citric acid-producing fungus

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-05-29, 04:01 authored by Mehak Kaushal, Daniel J. Upton, Jai K. Gupta, A. Jamie Wood, Shireesh Srivastava
Additional file 1. Table of kinetic parameters used in the dFBA (Table S1); Table of a pathway-based comparison of A. tubingensis genome-scale metabolic model with two published models of A. niger (Table S2), and a figure of the annotation of the mitochondrial genome of DJU120 (Figure S1).


Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, India Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Innovate UK
