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Additional file 1 of Real-time PCR biochip for on-site detection of Coxiella burnetii in ticks

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-07, 03:28 authored by A.-Tai Truong, Bo-Ram Yun, Jiyeon Lim, Subin Min, Mi-Sun Yoo, Soon-Seek Yoon, Young-Min Yun, Jong-Taek Kim, Yun Sang Cho
Additional file 1: Table S1. Coxiella burnetii sequences detected from tick samples. Figure S1. Comparison of Coxiella burnetii-specific primers to genome of Rickettsiella species. The comparison was performed by aligning the forward and reverse primers of C. burnetii to the genome of R. viridis (A), R. grylli (B), and R. isopodorum (C). Numbers indicate the positions on Rickettsiella genomes that had the highest similarity to the primer sequences. The distance between the forward and reverse primer positions are indicates as base pairs.


Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency
