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Additional file 1: of Quantitative analyses of the hepatic proteome of methylmercury-exposed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) suggest oxidative stress-mediated effects on cellular energy metabolism

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-08-05, 05:00 authored by Fekadu Yadetie, Silje Bjørneklett, Hilde Garberg, Eystein Oveland, Frode Berven, Anders Goksøyr, Odd Karlsen
Figure S1. Body weight (A), condition factor (B) and liver-somatic index (C) in control (Ctr), 0.5 mg/kg BW MeHg (0.5 mg) and 2 mg/kg BW MeHg (2 mg) treated Atlantic cod; Figure S2. Histograms illustrating the label-free quantification data. Average abundance of each group minus respective median values was log2 -transformed and plotted for the control (black line), 0.5 mg/kg BW MeHg (red line) and 2 mg/kg BW MeHg (green line) group (Graph Pad Prism using auto bin range and width); Figure S3. SRM-quantification of differential expression for the proteins APOA4, represented by three peptides (A-C), and CATZ (D); Figure S4 - STRING protein-protein interaction network of differentially regulated proteins; Figure S5. Venn diagram showing shared annotations between proteomics and transcriptomics datasets; Figure S6. Networks of combined differentially regulated genes identified in transcriptomics and proteomics analyses in MeHg treated samples; Figure S7. Venn diagram showing shared annotations among liver proteomics, liver transcriptomics and brain proteomics datasets. (DOCX 11788 kb)


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