Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Quality of life and pain in patients with metastatic bone disease from solid tumors treated with bone-targeted agents– a real-world cross-sectional study from Switzerland (SAKK 95/16)

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-20, 04:41 authored by Karin Ribi, Beat Thürlimann, Corinne Schär, Daniel Dietrich, Richard Cathomas, Ursina Zürrer-Härdi, Thomas von Briel, Sandro Anchisi, Pierre Bohanes, Veronika Blum, Philippe von Burg, Meinrad Mannhart, Clemens B. Caspar, Roger von Moos, Michael Mark
Additional file 1: Table S1. Patient characteristics and treatment questionnaire. Table S2: Bone pain (FACT-BP) distribution of answers to single items. Table S3. QoL scores by pain severity. Table S4. Patient vs. physician reported pain scores. Table S5. Use of analgesic medication according to patient-reported BPI worst pain scores (N=399). Table S6. Pain and QoL scores according to BTA treatment and risk status. Table S7 Satisfaction with BTA treatment (FACT-TS-G): Distribution of answers to single questions.


Amgen Swiss State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) Swiss Cancer Research Foundation (SCS) Swiss Cancer League (SCL)
