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Additional file 1: of Properties of LINE-1 proteins and repeat element expression in the context of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-12-15, 05:00 authored by Gavin Pereira, Laura Sanchez, Paul Schaughency, Alejandro Rubio-Roldán, Jungbin Choi, Evarist Planet, Ranjan Batra, Priscilla Turelli, Didier Trono, Lyle Ostrow, John Ravits, Haig Kazazian, Sarah Wheelan, Sara Heras, Jens Mayer, Jose García-Pérez, John Goodier
Figure S1. Patterns of L1 ORF1p expression in various cell lines using multiple antibodies for detection. Figure S2. Frequency of polymorphisms and DNA methylation at the L1 ORF1p R159 residue. Figure S3. ORF1p does not contain a CRM1-dependent nuclear export signal. Figure S4. Cell culture toxicity assays. Figure S5. Overexpression or knockdown of TDP-43 protein does not alter L1 expression. Figure S6. Methylation analyses of the CpG island of the 5' UTR promoter of endogenous L1 elements show effects of altered levels of TDP-43. Figure S7. Expression levels of L1 (and Alu TEs determined by RT-qPCR. Figure S8. Representative gels showing expression of ORF1p in normal and ALS-associated tissues determined by Western blotting. Figure S9. TE locus-specific analyses of the GSE67196 RNA-Seq dataset [171]. (PDF 25088 kb)


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
