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Additional file 1 of Predictive value of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance: new and old parameters in the natural history of repaired Tetralogy of Fallot

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-04, 04:43 authored by Paola Franceschi, A. Balducci, E. Nardi, F. Niro, D. Attinà, V. Russo, A. Donti, E. Angeli, G. D. Gargiulo, L. Lovato
Additional file 1. Materials and methods; Supplementary tables. Description of data: In “Additional file 1” supplementary information is provided for the Data collection section of Methods (Patient demographics and clinical data, CMR imaging, Electrocardiographic data, Exercise Testing). “Additional file 1” also contains Supplementary tables 1-3.
