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Additional file 1 of Prediction of lung emphysema in COPD by spirometry and clinical symptoms: results from COSYCONET

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-10, 03:39 authored by Christina Kellerer, Rudolf A. Jörres, Antonius Schneider, Peter Alter, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Bertram Jobst, Jürgen Biederer, Robert Bals, Henrik Watz, Jürgen Behr, Diego Kauffmann-Guerrero, Johanna Lutter, Alexander Hapfelmeier, Helgo Magnussen, Franziska C. Trudzinski, Tobias Welte, Claus F. Vogelmeier, Kathrin Kahnert
Additional file 1: Table S1. Results of the Random Forest and AdaBoost procedures for different sets of variables included. The table shows the variables in the rank order of importance according to the criterion of the mean decrease in accuracy (Random Forest) and the importance measure defined in the AdaBoost procedure. The overall classification error refers to 10-fold cross-validation in the case of AdaBoost and CHAID. SGRQ4 “I have attacks of wheezing”, SGRQ5 “How many attacks of chest trouble did you have during the last year?”, SGRQ8, “How would you describe your chest condition?”, SGRQ11 sub-item 5 “I have become frail or an invalid because of my chest”, SGRQ12 sub-item 1 “I take a long time to get washed or dressed”, SGRQ12 sub-item 3 “I walk slower than other people, or I stop for rests”, SGRQ12 sub-item 4 “Jobs such as housework take a long time, or I have to stop for rests”, SGRQ13 sub-item 1 “I cannot play sports or games”, SGRQ14 “How does your chest trouble affect you? Table S2. Technical details of the CT assessment. The acquisition protocol is given in the upper part and details on the scanner models in the lower part of the table. *Vendor-specific generic names for Siemens/GE/Philips. Table S3. Items from the “St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire” (SGRQ) that turned out to be informative in the single decision trees. Table S4. Items from the COPD Assessment test (CAT). Table S5. Modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) scale. This self-rating questionnaire is used to measure the degree of disability that breathlessness poses on day-to-day activities on a scale from 0 to 4.


Deutsche Zentrum für Lungenforschung Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung Technische Universität München (1025)


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