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Additional file 1 of Placental inflammatory cytokines mRNA expression and preschool children’s cognitive performance: a birth cohort study in China

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posted on 2023-11-20, 05:40 authored by Jixing Zhou, Juan Tong, Xue Ru, Yuzhu Teng, Menglong Geng, Shuangqin Yan, Fangbiao Tao, Kun Huang
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Directed acyclic graph of the relationship between placental cytokine mRNA expression and children’s cognitive development. Fig. S2. Spearman correlation coefficients between placental inflammatory cytokines. Fig. S3. Restricted cubic spline analysis of the association between ln conversion of placental inflammatory cytokine mRNA expression (IL-8, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, CRP, IFN-γ, IL-10 and IL-4) and children’s cognitive scores (VCI, VSI, FRI, WMI, PSI and FSIQ) (adjusted for maternal age, maternal IQ, family monthly income per capita, pre-pregnancy BMI, parity, maternal metabolic dysfunctions, maternal fever during pregnancy, maternal infection or inflammation conditions during pregnancy, maternal alcohol use during pregnancy, father’s education level, children’s sex, and placental efficiency.). Fig. S4. The associations between placental inflammatory cytokines mRNA expression (IL-8, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, CRP, IL-10 and IL-4) and children’s cognitive performance (VCI, VSI, FRI, WMI, PSI and FSIQ) by linear regression model when considering only data with Ct<35 in the mRNA assay. Table S1. Sequences of the oligonucleotides utilized in RT-qPCR. Table S2. RT-qPCR quality control measures. Table S3. Detailed information on confounders. Table S4. Comparisons of the basic demographic characteristics of the included and excluded populations. Table S5. Ct of internal reference genes and target genes in placental qPCR assays in the included population. Table S6. Comparison of cognitive scores in children with and without placental data. Table S7. The association between placental eight cytokines mRNA expression and children’s cognitive performance in a model by multiple linear regression model. Table S8. The association between interaction of placental inflammatory cytokines mRNA expression*sex and children’s cognitive performance. Table S9. Sensitivity analysis of the association between placental summary index of cytokines and children’s cognitive performance by multivariate linear regression analyses. Table S10. Sensitivity analysis of the association between placental each inflammatory cytokine mRNA expression and children’s cognitive performance by multivariate linear regression models. Table S11. Sensitivity analysis of the association between placental cytokine mRNA expression and children’s cognitive performance by sex. Table S12. Comparison of Ct of endogenous reference RNA-18S between sexes.


the National Key Research and Development Program of China National Natural Science Foundation of China Regional Innovation and Development Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Fund of Anhui Institute of translational medicine


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