Springer Nature
12918_2017_407_MOESM1_ESM.pdf (1.72 MB)

Additional file 1: of Physiological fidelity or model parsimony? The relative performance of reverse-toxicokinetic modeling approaches

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-03-11, 05:00 authored by Michael Rowland, Edward Perkins, Michael Mayo
Supplemental Information. Additional information including supporting figures, the generalized conceptual model for an organ with metabolism, detailed descriptions of the toxicokinetic models, a comparison of the 7C model to the original Zebrafish PBTK on which it was based, results of sensitivity analyses of the PBTK models, detailed descriptions of the reverse toxicokinetic models, an analytical approach to determining the influence of architecture on steady state concentrations, and an approximation of the departure of in vitro data from control levels. (PDF 1762 kb)


Engineer Research and Development Center
