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Additional file 1 of Periodontitis and systemic inflammation as independent and interacting risk factors for mortality: evidence from a prospective cohort study

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-13, 04:20 authored by Christiane Pink, Birte Holtfreter, Henry Völzke, Matthias Nauck, Marcus Dörr, Thomas Kocher
Additional file 1: Table S1. Characteristics of the study sample at baseline and follow-up examinations. Figure S1. Main directed acyclic graph (DAG) to evaluate the interaction of systemic inflammation and periodontitis on mortality. Table S2. Minimal sufficient adjustment sets for estimating possible effects on mortality. Table S3. Cut-off values for classification of periodontitis and inflammation in interaction analyses. Figure S2. Kaplan-Meier curves for overall survival. Figure S3. Survival probability, risk tables and associated events stratified by I-Score, P-Score, CRP and mean CAL. Figure S4. Survival probabilities, risk tables and associated events stratified by further inflammation markers and periodontitis measures. Figure S5. Observed crude incidence rate ratios representing the interaction of further inflammation markers and periodontitis measures regarding all-cause mortality (A-H). Figure S6. Observed crude incidence rate ratios representing the interaction of inflammation and periodontitis regarding all-cause mortality in never smoker only, n = 1081. Table S4. Effects of periodontitis and systemic inflammation measures on all-cause, CVD and non-CVD mortality. Table S5. Interaction of periodontitis and systemic inflammation regarding mortality: overview and ranking. Table S6. Sample analytic code.


Universitätsmedizin Greifswald (8976)
