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Additional file 1 of Percutaneous dilatational tracheotomy in high-risk ICU patients

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-07-29, 03:27 authored by Enzo Lüsebrink, Alexander Krogmann, Franziska Tietz, Matthias Riebisch, Rainer Okrojek, Friedhelm Peltz, Carsten Skurk, Carsten Hullermann, Jan Sackarnd, Dietmar Wassilowsky, Karl Toischer, Clemens Scherer, Michael Preusch, Christoph Testori, Ulrike Flierl, Sven Peterss, Sabine Hoffmann, Nikolaus Kneidinger, Christian Hagl, Steffen Massberg, Sebastian Zimmer, Peter Luedike, Tienush Rassaf, Holger Thiele, Andreas Schäfer, Martin Orban
Additional file 1: Table S1. Complications during and after PDT differentiated by body mass index (BMI). p-values < 0.05 were considered as significant; ns: non-significant. Of note, there were 9 patients with BMI value < 16 kg/m2 and 12 patients with BMI value > 40 kg/m2 who were not included. Table S2. Baseline characteristics (based on seven treatment groups): I) Intravenous unfractionated heparin (iUFH) (prophylactic dosage), II) iUFH (therapeutic dosage), III) aspirin (100 mg/day) and iUFH (prophylactic dosage) IV) aspirin (100 mg/day) and iUFH (therapeutic dosage), V) P2Y12 receptor inhibitor, i.e. clopidogrel (75 mg/day), prasugrel (10 mg/day) or ticagrelor (90 mg twice daily) with iUFH (therapeutic dosage), VI) DAPT including aspirin (100 mg/day) and a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor with iUFH (prophylactic dosage) and VII) DAPT with iUFH (therapeutic dosage), i.e. triple therapy. All displayed laboratory values were recorded on the day of PDT 4 h prior to procedure. ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; INR, International Normalized Ratio; aPTT, activated Partial Thromboplastin Time; SD, standard deviation. Table S3. Procedural related complications during and after PDT (based on seven treatment groups). p-values < 0.05 were considered as significant; ns: non-significant.


Universitätsklinik München (6933)
