Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Neutrophil extracellular trap-induced intermediate monocytes trigger macrophage activation syndrome in adult-onset Still’s disease

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-12-21, 05:01 authored by Jinchao Jia, Mengyan Wang, Yuning Ma, Jianfen Meng, Dehao Zhu, Xia Chen, Hui Shi, Yue Sun, Honglei Liu, Xiaobing Cheng, Yutong Su, Junna Ye, Huihui Chi, Tingting Liu, Zhuochao Zhou, Fan Wang, Longfang Chen, Da Yi, Yu Xiao, Chengde Yang, Jialin Teng, Qiongyi Hu
Additional file 1: Additional Figure S1. Comparisons of clinical manifestations between patients with low IM proportions and high IM proportions. Additional Figure S2. Associations between DNA sensor expression and IM signature of monocytes in patients with AOSD and HCs. Additional Figure S3. mRNA levels of DNA sensors in THP-1 cells stimulated with NETs. Additional Table S1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals with AOSD in FACS analysis. Additional Table S2. Clinical characteristics of individuals with AOSD-MAS in FACS analysis. Additional Table S3. Demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals with AOSD in ELISA analysis. Additional Table S4. Primers used in this study. Additional Table S5. Comparison of plasma CCL8 and CXCL10 levels according to disease manifestations in patients with adult-onset Still’s disease.


National Natural Science Foundation of China Shanghai Sailing Program Shanghai Pujiang Young Rheumatologists Training program Chenguang Program of Shanghai Education Development Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission Shanghai Rising-Star Program Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Action


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