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Additional file 1 of Network memory in the movement of hospital patients carrying antimicrobial-resistant bacteria

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-04, 03:51 authored by Ashleigh C. Myall, Robert L. Peach, Andrea Y. Weiße, Siddharth Mookerjee, Frances Davies, Alison Holmes, Mauricio Barahona
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. State networks of $${\mathcal {M}}_1$$ M 1 and $${\mathcal {M}}_2$$ M 2 . Fig. S2. PageRank difference between $${\mathcal {M}}_1$$ M 1 and $${\mathcal {M}}_2$$ M 2 over specialities and buildings. Fig. S3. Optimisation of clustering rate for state lumping. Fig. S4. Markov Stability run statistics. Fig. S5. Markov stability community partitions. Fig. S6. Variation of Information between hospital structures in community partitions. Fig. S7. 2-Way community partition to hospital site. Fig. S8. Hospital wards overlapping communities across Markov stability partitions. Figs. S9, S10. Multiscale centrality model comparison. Fig. S11. Distribution of node statistics. Table S1. Cross validation ranking significance. Tables S2–S4. Examining the overlap between Markov stability community partitions and known hospital structures.


Medical Research Foundation National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (GB)
