Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Muscle mass rather than muscle strength or physical performance is associated with metabolic syndrome in community-dwelling older Chinese adults

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-20, 04:39 authored by Peiyu Song, Peipei Han, Yinjiao Zhao, Yuanyuan Zhang, Liyan Wang, Zhuoying Tao, Zhengxing Jiang, Shijing Shen, Yunxiao Wu, Jiajie Wu, Xiaoyu Chen, Xing Yu, Yong Zhao, Qi Guo
Additional file 1 : Supplementary Table 1. Logistic regression analyses of the association of grip and ALM quartiles with MetS. Supplementary Table 2. Logistic regression analyses of the association of SMI quartiles with MetS in obese and non- obese population.
