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Additional file 1 of “Multivariate analysis of the impact of sleep and working hours on medical errors: a MICE approach"

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-24, 04:40 authored by Malena Lis Mul Fedele, María del Pilar López Gabeiras, Guido Simonelli, Joaquín José Diez, Giannina Julieta Bellone, Joaquín Cagliani, Luis Larrateguy, Kumiko Eiguchi, Diego Andrés Golombek, Daniel Pedro Cardinali, Daniel Pérez-Chada, Daniel Eduardo Vigo
Additional file 1: Supplementary Figure 1. Characteristics of the temperature circadian rhythm of medical residents. Mean with 95% CI of the A) amplitude, B) percentage of rhythmicity, C) mesor and D) acrophase of the temperature rhythm (No medical error group: n=11; Medical error group: n=14). Supplementary table 1. Characteristics of the participants that did not complete the medical error subsection (excluded). Supplementary table 2. Bivariate correlation between working characteristics, sleep habits and psyco-affective variables. Supplementary table 3. Demographic, working, sleep and psycho-affective characteristics of the objective study sample. Supplementary table 4. Bivariate correlation between objective working and sleep characteristics, and sleep and psyco-affective scales.
