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Additional file 1 of Multi-omics colocalization with genome-wide association studies reveals a context-specific genetic mechanism at a childhood onset asthma risk locus

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-11, 03:14 authored by Marcus M. Soliai, Atsushi Kato, Britney A. Helling, Catherine T. Stanhope, James E. Norton, Katherine A. Naughton, Aiko I. Klinger, Emma E. Thompson, Selene M. Clay, Soyeon Kim, Juan C. Celedón, James E. Gern, Daniel J. Jackson, Matthew C. Altman, Robert C. Kern, Bruce K. Tan, Robert P. Schleimer, Dan L. Nicolae, Jayant M. Pinto, Carole Ober
Additional file 1: Additional Figures describing the sample cohort and results from our analyses. Figure S1: Overview of the e/meQTL and co-localization studies in AECs treated with RV. Figure S2: PCA and k-means clustering of genotypes. Figure S3: PCA of gene expression in vehicle and RV-treated AECs. Figure S4: PCA of DNA methylation in vehicle- and RV-treated cultured AECs. Figure S5: Molecular QTLs highlighting atopic samples. Figure S6: Summary results for molecular QTL mappings. Figure S7: meQTLs at rs1837253 located in the first untranslated exon of the TSLP gene.


National Institutes of Health Ernest S. Bazley Charitable Fund
