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Additional file 1 of Mucormycosis in intensive care unit: surgery is a major prognostic factor in patients with hematological malignancy

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-06-09, 08:09 authored by Johanna Claustre, Romaric Larcher, Thomas Jouve, Anne-Sophie Truche, Saad Nseir, Julien Cadiet, Yoann Zerbib, Alexandre Lautrette, Jean-Michel Constantin, Pierre-Emmanuel Charles, Cedric Daubin, Remi Coudroy, Jean Dellamonica, Laurent Argaud, Pierre Phelouzat, Damien Contou, Juliette Pocquet, Guillaume Voiriot, Jean-Christophe Navellou, Pierre Lavagne, Michel Durand, Muriel Cornet, Carole Schwebel, Nicolas Terzi
Additional file 1: Table S1. Demographic characteristics of patients with hematological disease. Table S2. Characteristics of the infection of patients with hematological disease at ICU admission. Table S3. Characteristics of ICU management of patients with hematological disease.
