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Additional file 1 of Mosquito odour-baited mass trapping reduced malaria transmission intensity: a result from a controlled before-and-after intervention study

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-29, 04:40 authored by Yared Debebe, Habte Tekie, Sisay Dugassa, Richard J. Hopkins, Sharon Rose Hill, Rickard Ignell
Additional file 1: Table S1. Species diversity and abundance of adult female Anopheles mosquitoes in the intervention and control villages during the pre-intervention and intervention periods. Table S2. Diversity and abundance of mosquito species with different physiological states collected in the odour-baited traps. Table S3. Efficacy of the mass trapping of Anopheles mosquitoes on the daily human biting (HBR), sporozoite (SR), and seasonal entomological inoculation rates (EIR) of the primary and secondary malaria vectors during the major and minor malaria transmission seasons. Fig. S1. Map of the study area. Fig. S2. Placement of the Suna traps within the intervention village. The dots represent the geographical locations of each house, while the asterisks represent the locations of the odour-baited traps in the intervention village. Fig. S3. Seasonal changes in the Anopheles pharoensis and Anopheles ziemanni populations before and after mass trapping in the intervention and control villages. The activity of mosquitoes indoors and outdoors was determined using CDC light traps. The dotted line indicates the onset of the intervention. Fig S4. Historical data for confirmed malaria cases at the district level in the three years prior to and during the intervention. Fig S5. Clustering of malaria vectors generated from hotspot analysis in the control and intervention villages before and after the implementation of mass trapping. Fig S6. Clustering of malaria-infected people generated from hotspot analysis in the control and intervention villages before and after the implementation of mass trapping.


Vetenskapsrådet Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
