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Additional file 1 of Minimal aromatic aldehyde reduction (MARE) yeast platform for engineering vanillin production

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-07, 04:21 authored by Qiwen Mo, Jifeng Yuan
Additional file 1: Table S1. Oligonucleotides used in this study. Table S2. Synthesized genes used in this study. Table S3. Plasmids used in this study. Table S4. Strains used in this study. Figure S1. Knockout of the endogenous oxidoreductases in budding yeast. Figure S2. Other aromatic aldehyde accumulation in the MARE yeast. Figure S3. The standard curves of authentic compounds. Figure S4. The effect of Sfp and EntD expression on vanillin production. Figure S5. Product profiles of protocatechualdehyde and vanillate produced by engineered yeasts of JS-VA2~6. Figure S6. De novo synthesis of vanillin from plasmid-based HmaS pathway in S. cerevisiae. Figure S7. The inhibitory effect of hydroxymandelate to the CAR-mediated vanillin biosynthetic pathway. Figure S8. Product profiles of protocatechualdehyde and vanillate produced by engineered yeasts of JS-VA6~9. Figure S9. The growth inhibitory effect of vanillin to S. cerevisiae. Figure S10. Flowchart of yeast strain construction in this study.


National Natural Science Foundation of China Xiamen University Daan Gene
