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Additional file 1 of Micro-genetic environmental sensitivity across macro-environments of chickens reared in Burkina Faso and France

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-12-01, 04:40 authored by Mette Dam Madsen, Naomi Duijvesteijn, Julius van der Werf, Sam Clark
Additional file 1. Simulation study of the impacts of mixed full- and half-sib data in sire models. Methods used to conduct the simulation study examining the impact of having mixed full- and half-sib data in sire models and the results of this simulation study in Tables S1 and S2. Table S1. Estimated additive genetic variance from the analysis of simulated datasets with varying mating ratio (standard error of the mean across 100 replicates) on the level of the model and converted to the animal level assuming the additive genetic sire variance is 0.25 of the additive genetic variance or using the average relationship of sire progeny groups. Table S2. Estimated additive genetic variance of micro-GES from the analysis of simulated datasets with varying mating ratio (standard error of the mean across 100 replicates) on the level of the model and converted to the animal level assuming the additive genetic sire variance is 0.25 of the additive genetic variance or using the actual relationship of sire progeny groups.


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