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Additional file 1 of Longitudinal determinants of anal intercourse among women with, and without HIV in the United States

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-07-15, 03:24 authored by Branwen Nia Owen, Rebecca F. Baggaley, Mathieu Maheu-Giroux, Jocelyn Elmes, Adaora A. Adimora, Catalina Ramirez, Andrew Edmonds, Kemi Sosanya, Tonya N. Taylor, Michael Plankey, Julie A. Cederbaum, Dominika Seidman, Kathleen M. Weber, Elizabeth T. Golub, Jessica Wells, Hector Bolivar, Deborah Konkle-Parker, Gudrun Pregartner, Marie-Claude Boily
Additional file 1: Table S1. Eligibility criteria of women without HIV recruited to the WIHS cohort. Table S2. Percentage of visits at which time-varying covariates reported, and percentage of visits at which anal intercourse and condomless anal intercourse reported at subsequent visit. Table S3. Predictors of anal intercourse and condomless anal intercourse using a complete case analysis. Table S4. Predictors of any anal intercourse over follow-up, by HIV status, using a complete case analysis. Figure S1. A conceptual framework of anal intercourse among women in the U.S. Figure S2. Selection process of analysis sample.


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