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Additional file 1 of Longitudinal analysis of subtype C envelope tropism for memory CD4+ T cell subsets over the first 3 years of untreated HIV-1 infection

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-08-07, 03:51 authored by Matthew J. Gartner, Paul R. Gorry, Carolin Tumpach, Jingling Zhou, Ashanti Dantanarayana, J. Judy Chang, Thomas A. Angelovich, Paula Ellenberg, Annemarie E. Laumaea, Molati Nonyane, Penny L. Moore, Sharon R. Lewin, Melissa J. Churchill, Jacqueline K. Flynn, Michael Roche
Additional file 1: Table S1. List of sequences and Genbank accession numbers used in this study. Table S2. Primers used to amplify and clone C-HIV Envs into pSVIII-Env. Table S3. Coreceptor usage of C-HIV Envs. Figure S1. Sequence alignments of V3 regions from each study participant. Figure S2. AMD3100 inhibition of CXCR4 virus entry. Figure S3. Gating strategy used for identifying infected CD4+ T cell subsets as a percentage of total infected cells. Figure S4. Gating strategy used for identifying CD4+ T cell subset infection level. Figure S5. Contribution of each CD4+ T cell subset to the pool of productively infected CD4+ T cells. Figure S6. Increased CCR5 expression in more differentiated CD4+ T cell subsets.


National Health and Medical Research Council RMIT University National Research Foundation (SA)
