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Additional file 1 of Locating hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands using 11C-Choline PET/CT: an inter- and intra-observer variation study

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-07-06, 03:33 authored by Julie Wulf Christensen, Lars Thorbjørn Jensen, Susanne Bonnichsen Søndergaard, Rikke Broholm, Christian Haarmark, Martin Krakauer, Finn Noe Bennedbæk, Bo Zerahn, Waldemar Trolle, Christoffer Holst Hahn, Bent Kristensen
Additional file 1: Table S1. Number and location of HPGs as described by each reader. Figure S1. Agreement plots for intra-observer agreement on anatomical location including none-none agreement. Legend: From the expert, non-expert 1 and non-expert 2 readers. UR: upper right, LR: Lower right, UL: upper left, LL: lower left. In this figure we included cases where both readers find no HPG (in text referred to as “none-none-agreement”. Figure S2. Agreement plots for intra-observer agreement on anatomical location including none-none agreement. Legend: From the expert, non-expert 1 and non-expert 2 readers.


Herlev Hospital
