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Additional file 1 of Limitation of life-sustaining therapies in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a descriptive epidemiological investigation from the COVID-ICU study

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-04-13, 16:04 authored by Mikhael Giabicani, Christophe Le Terrier, Antoine Poncet, Bertrand Guidet, Jean-Philippe Rigaud, Jean-Pierre Quenot, Marie-France Mamzer, Jérôme Pugin, Emmanuel Weiss, Simon Bourcier
Additional file 1. Data collection. Epidemiological data used for ICU load calculation. Definitions of withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies (LST). Statistical analysis: multivariable model and list of the variables included in the model. Table E1. Modalities of LST withholding and withdrawal in the study population. Table E2. Modalities of LST withholding according to a further (or not) LST withdrawal decision. Table E3. Centre characteristics at the patient level. Table E4. Adjunct measures during ICU stay according to LST limitation status. Table E5. Time to LST decision from ICU admission according to ICU load category. Figure E1. (A) Cumulative incidence plot of time from ICU admission to first LST limitation decision, and (B) Survival probability after LST withholding or withdrawing decisions within 14 days after ICU admission involving only patients with complete data (3051 patients). Figure E2. Distribution of ICU load at the patient level. Figure E3. ICU load (%) according to LST categories. Subgroup analysis by centre size, and in patients aged ≥75 years. Table E6. Expected prevalences estimated by the multivariate model according to the number of patients in the centre. Table E7. Prevalence of decisions of LST limitations in patients aged ≥ 75 years. Figure E4. Forest plot of prevalences of decisions of LST limitations in the 15 centres with ≥ 10 patients aged ≥75 years.


University of Geneva
