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Additional file 1 of Leveraging high-resolution 7-tesla MRI to derive quantitative metrics for the trigeminal nerve and subnuclei of limbic structures in trigeminal neuralgia

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-24, 03:37 authored by Judy Alper, Alan C. Seifert, Gaurav Verma, Kuang-Han Huang, Yael Jacob, Ameen Al Qadi, John W. Rutland, Sheetal Patel, Joshua Bederson, Raj K. Shrivastava, Bradley N. Delman, Priti Balchandani
Additional file 1: Table S1. Demographics and disease properties of TN patients in this study. (CN V = trigeminal nerve, Lt = left, Rt = right, REZ = root entry zone). Table S2. Significant results for comparison of trigeminal neuralgia patients to healthy controls. Table S3. Significant results for comparison of classical, purely paroxysmal trigeminal neuralgia patients to healthy controls.


National Cancer Institute Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
