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Additional file 1 of Is systemic inflammation a missing link between cardiometabolic index with mortality? Evidence from a large population-based study

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-21, 03:42 authored by Bin Xu, Qian Wu, Rui La, Lingchen Lu, Fuad A. Abdu, Guoqing Yin, Wen Zhang, Wenquan Ding, Yicheng Ling, Zhiyuan He, Wenliang Che
Additional file 1: Table S1. Analysis of the mediation by inflammation-related indicators of the associations of CMI with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality.


Chinese National Natural Science Foundation Shanghai Natural Science Foundation of China Foundation of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission Tibet Natural Science Foundation of China Foundation of Chongming Clinical Research Plan of Shanghai Tenth People?s Hospital Clinical Research Plan of SHDC Foundation of the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality
