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Additional file 1 of Infection with Pythium flevoense in a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) as a novel cause of dermatitis in marine mammals

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-03, 04:41 authored by Edwin J. B. Veldhuis Kroeze, Cornelis E. van Elk, Marco W. G. van de Bildt, Peter R. W. A. van Run, Geoffrey Foster, Nissrine Abou-Chakra, Rasmus Krøger Hare, Thijs Kuiken
Additional file 1. Results of blood analyses for haematologic and biochemistry parameters from harbour porpoise Idun. Reference intervals from free-ranging harbour porpoises from Danish waters with a healthy clinical appearance (except for the intervals marked with an *; these originated from healthy long-term captive harbour porpoises) according to Siebert et al. [27]. The lower and higher thresholds of these intervals represent the 10th and 90th percentiles for each blood parameter with their 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals, respectively. NA: not available.
