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Additional file 1 of Incremental impact on malaria incidence following indoor residual spraying in a highly endemic area with high standard ITN access in Mozambique: results from a cluster‐randomized study

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-11, 04:30 authored by Carlos Chaccour, Rose Zulliger, Joe Wagman, Aina Casellas, Amilcar Nacima, Eldo Elobolobo, Binete Savaio, Abuchahama Saifodine, Christen Fornadel, Jason Richardson, Baltazar Candrinho, Molly Robertson, Francisco Saute
Additional file 1: Table S1. Factors potentially associated with a positive RDT at baseline by spray status. Figure S1. Reported net ownership in both groups throughout the trial. Figure S2. Cohort incidence by spray status correcting for a potential RDT residual positivity of 30 days. Table S2. Adjusted incidence using a multi-variable generalized estimating equation model using only data after the mass ITN distribution campaign. Table S3. Univariate analysis of covariables and their association with RDT-positive status at monthly follow-up at health facility. n= number of observations.


PATH USAID Fundación Ramón Areces
