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Additional file 1 of Increased regulatory activity of intestinal innate lymphoid cells type 3 (ILC3) prevents experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis severity

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-19, 04:40 authored by Milica Lazarević, Goran Stegnjaić, Bojan Jevtić, Sanja Despotović, Đurđica Ignjatović, Suzana Stanisavljević, Neda Nikolovski, Miljana Momčilović, Graeme L. Fraser, Mirjana Dimitrijević, Đorđe Miljković
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Th1 and Th17 gating in SCIC. Figure S2. CD45RA (B cell) and MHC class II gating in SCIC. Figure S3. Treg gating in LPIC. Figure S4. ILC gating in LPIC. Figure S5. Composition of SCIC in the moderate and severe groups. DA rats immunized with SCH were sacrificed on days 24–28 p.i. SCIC were isolated and percentage (A–C) and cell number (D–F) of cell populations were determined by flow cytometry. Data are expressed as mean ± SD (n = 5). *p < 0.05, ns—not significant. Figure S6. Antigen response of PLNC in moderate and severe groups. DA rats immunized with SCH were sacrificed at days 24–28 p.i. PLNC were isolated and counted (A). PLNC were exposed to MBP (B) or myelin (C–G) for 48 h. IFN-γ levels in cell culture supernatants were determined by ELISA (B, C). CD4+CD25+ T cells (D, E) and Treg (F, G) were detected by flow cytometry. Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 4–5). ns—not significant. Figure S7. Immunoblots. Full, uncropped immunoblot images for zonulin, occludin, and actin. Samples m5, s5, m6, and s6 are presented in Fig. 6D. Blot membranes were cut in three pieces, making cuts above markers 95 kDa and 55 kDa. Protein ladder Thermo Scientific #26,619 was used. m—moderate, s—severe, h—healthy.


Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovations, Republic of Serbia European Federation of Immunological Societies


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