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Additional file 1 of InMut-finder: a software tool for insertion identification in mutagenesis using Nanopore long reads

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-20, 04:11 authored by Rui Song, Ziyao Wang, Hui Wang, Han Zhang, Xuemeng Wang, Hanh Nguyen, David Holding, Bin Yu, Tom Clemente, Shangang Jia, Chi Zhang
Additional file 1: Supplemental Figure S1. Study design for multiple barcoding in one single Nanopore flowcell. BC01 ~ BC13 indicates the barcodes in Nanopore sequencing, and a total of 56 samples, a1 ~ a7, b1 ~ b7, c1 ~ c7, d1 ~ d7, e1 ~ e7, f1 ~ f7, g1 ~ g7, and h1 ~ h7, are pooled in 13 barcodes. Each sample presents twice in one flowcell.


National Science Foundation
