Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Impact of nutrition and rotavirus infection on the infant gut microbiota in a humanized pig model

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-06-22, 05:00 authored by Anand Kumar, Anastasia Vlasova, Loic Deblais, Huang-Chi Huang, Asela Wijeratne, Sukumar Kandasamy, David Fischer, Stephanie Langel, Francine Paim, Moyasar Alhamo, Lulu Shao, Linda Saif, Gireesh Rajashekara
Figure S1. Schematics of animal experiment indicating time of HIFM transplantation and time points of samples collection. Pigs were transplanted at 4 days of age and euthanized at 11 days of age (dotted arrows). Intestinal tissues sampling was performed at PTD7. Abbreviations: HIFM-Human infant fecal microbiota; PTD-Post transplant days. (PDF 36 kb)


National Institutes of Health
