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Additional file 1 of Imbalance of flight–freeze responses and their cellular correlates in the Nlgn3−/y rat model of autism

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-07-19, 06:15 authored by Natasha J. Anstey, Vijayakumar Kapgal, Shashank Tiwari, Thomas C. Watson, Anna K. H. Toft, Owen R. Dando, Felicity H. Inkpen, Paul S. Baxter, Zrinko Kozić, Adam D. Jackson, Xin He, Mohammad Sarfaraz Nawaz, Aiman Kayenaat, Aditi Bhattacharya, David J. A. Wyllie, Sumantra Chattarji, Emma R. Wood, Oliver Hardt, Peter C. Kind
Additional file 1: Supplemental figures S1-S9. Figure S1. Nlgn3−/y rats display reduced classic freezing behaviour in a contextual fear conditioning paradigm. Figure S2. Freezing analysed as “paw immobility response” (all four paws unmoving but allowing for movement of head and neck). Figure S3. WT and Nlgn3−/y rats show similar activity in an open field, rotational platform & marble interaction tasks. Figure S4. Effect of repeated footshocks & thermal stimulus on WT and Nlgn3−/y rats. Figure S5. Intrinsic properties of PAG cells recorded from WT and Nlgn3−/y rats. Figure S6. Hyperexcitability of dorsal, but not ventral PAG neurons in 8-10 week old Nlgn3−/y rats. Figure S7. PAG LFPs during fear recall are significantly shorter duration in Nlgn3−/y rats. Figure S8. Defensive reactions were not elicited by electrical stimulation of primary somatosensory cortex in WT or Nlgn3−/y rats. Figure S9. Western blots showing lack expression of NLGN3 in Nlgn3−/y rats both in sensory cortex and periaqueductal grey.


Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative Medical Research Council Department of Biotechnology Government of India


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