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Additional file 1 of High expression of PDZ-binding kinase is correlated with poor prognosis and immune infiltrates in hepatocellular carcinoma

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-01-23, 04:21 authored by Wei Mu, Yaoli Xie, Jinhu Li, Runzhi Yan, Jingxian Zhang, Yu’e Liu, Yimin Fan
Additional file 1: Fig. S1 The expression of PBK in pan-cancers and HCC. A: PBK mRNA levels in 20 types of human cancers analyzed by Oncomine. Red means increased expression and blue means decreased expression. The numbers indicated the amounts of dataset satisfying the threshold in the colored cell. B: PBK mRNA levels analyzed by TIMER. (***P<0.001, **P<0.01, *P<0.05). C: The expression of PBK in HCC tissues from HCCDB. D: PBK expression profile in HCC based on GEPIA database. (*P<0.05) E-F: Protein expression and distribution of PBK from HPA.


Scientific Research Project of Shanxi Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission Key R&D Projects of Shanxi Province
