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Additional file 1: of Health, lifestyle and employment beyond state-pension age

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-12-20, 05:00 authored by Evangelia Demou, Abita Bhaskar, Taoye Xu, Daniel Mackay, Kate Hunt
Health, lifestyle and employment beyond state-pension age. A study using the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS). Supplementary Material. The additional file contains tables detailing the overall differences in economic activity for men (Tables S1-S10) and women (Tables S11-S20) for the study years 2003–2012 and by self-rated health, longstanding illness, BMI, mental health, smoking status, alcohol consumption, exercise level, deprivation category and equivalised income. Table S21 presents the odds ratios for smoking, exercise and poor mental health by deprivation category (SIMD quintiles). (DOCX 46 kb)


Medical Research Council
