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Additional file 1 of Health behaviours the month prior to COVID-19 infection and the development of self-reported long COVID and specific long COVID symptoms: a longitudinal analysis of 1581 UK adults

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-09-11, 09:17 authored by Elise Paul, Daisy Fancourt
Additional file 1: Table S1. Wording of study developed items. Table S2. Pattern of missing data in study sample (N = 1581). Table S3. Complete case analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of long COVID from health behaviours in the month prior to COVID-19 infection, weighted (N = 1430). Table S4. Complete case analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of difficulty with mobility from health behaviours in the month prior to COVID-19 infection, weighted (N = 264). Table S5. Complete case analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of difficulty with cognition from health behaviours in the month prior to COVID-19 infection, weighted (N = 264). Table S6. Complete case analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of difficulty with self-care from health behaviours in the month prior to COVID-19 infection, weighted (N = 264). Table S7. Characteristics of excluded and included participants, unweighted. Table S8. Number of weeks prior to COVID-19 infection in which health behaviours were measured (N = 1581). Table S9. Weighted and unweighted sample characteristics (N = 1581). Table S10. Sensitivity analysis: logistic regressions predicting self-reported long COVID from health behaviours, with participants who were ‘unsure’ whether they had had long COVID in the case group (N = 1581), weighted. Table S11. Sensitivity analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of difficulty with mobility from health behaviours with participants who were ‘unsure’ whether they had had long COVID in the case group (N = 523), weighted. Table S12. Sensitivity analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of difficulty with cognition from health behaviours, with participants who were ‘unsure’ whether they had had long COVID in the case group (N = 523), weighted. Table S13. Sensitivity analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of difficulty with self-care from health behaviours, with participants who were ‘unsure’ whether they had had long COVID in the case group (N = 512), weighted. Table S14. Sensitivity analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of long COVID from health behaviours, including overweight/obesity status (N = 1283) weighted. Table S15. Sensitivity analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of difficulty with mobility from health behaviours, including overweight/obesity status (N = 234), weighted. Table S16. Sensitivity analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of difficulty with cognition from health behaviours, including overweight/obesity status (N = 234) weighted. Table S17. Sensitivity analysis: logistic regressions predicting the development of difficulty with self-care from health behaviours, including overweight/obesity status (N = 225) weighted.


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