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Additional file 1 of H3K27 modifiers regulate lifespan in C. elegans in a context-dependent manner

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-26, 04:55 authored by Abigail R. R. Guillermo, Karolina Chocian, Gavriil Gavriilidis, Julien Vandamme, Anna Elisabetta Salcini, Jane Mellor, Alison Woollard
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Examples of changes in lipofuscin accumulation after exposure to RNAi feeding clones. 30 F1 progeny were picked at the L4 stage and assessed for lipofuscin accumulation at day 3 and day 6 of adulthood (15 worms/time point). Each set of worms analysed included the EV control to show the changes in lipofuscin levels at comparable ages. Accumulation of lipofuscin was assessed by eye in anaesthetised worms using a Zeiss AxioSKOP2 microscope, using the severity grading system detailed in the methods section.


Wellcome Trust Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
