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Additional file 1 of Grip strength from midlife as an indicator of later-life brain health and cognition: evidence from a British birth cohort

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-01, 03:33 authored by Quentin Dercon, Jennifer M. Nicholas, Sarah-Naomi James, Jonathan M. Schott, Marcus Richards
Additional file 1. Inclusion flow-chart (Figure S1), additional information on group-based trajectory modelling (GBTM) including rationale (Sec. 1.2), model selection (Sec. 1.3; Table S1-S2), and limitations (Sec. 1.4), plus additional data (Sec. 2) from models relating increases in posterior probability of membership of the low or high trajectory group to each of the outcomes (Table S3), and models relating group assignment from a GBTM fitted only on included participants (Figure S2) to the outcomes (Table S4).
