Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Full genome sequence analysis and putative host-shifting of Milk vetch dwarf virus infecting tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) in China

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-03-27, 05:00 authored by Ali Kamran, Han Hou, Yi Xie, Cunxiao Zhao, Xiaomin Wei, Chaoqun Zhang, Xiangwen Yu, Fenglong Wang, Jinguang Yang
Figure S1. Agarose gel (1.5%) showing the results of restriction enzymes used for digesting RCA products. (left to right) Lane M: 5 kb DNA marker, 1–4: no band, 5: XbaI, 6: 5 kb DNA marker, 7: SamI, 8: SalI, 9: no band, 10–11: HindIII, 12:PstI, 13–14: SacI (no band), 15:BamHI, 16: EcoRI. (PDF 244 kb)


Screening of new high quality flue-cured tobacco varieties in Qingyang
