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Additional file 1 of Fragmented mitochondrial genomes of seal lice (family Echinophthiriidae) and gorilla louse (family Pthiridae): frequent minichromosomal splits and a host switch of lice between seals

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-04-10, 15:21 authored by Yalun Dong, Min Zhao, Renfu Shao
Additional file 1: Supplementary Fig. 1. Secondary structure inferred with tRNA-Scan [33] from trnW1 and trnW2 gene sequences of the southern elephant seal louse, Lepidophthirus macrorhini. Supplementary Fig. 2. Conserved non-coding AT-rich motifs and GC-rich motifs among the mitochondrial minichromosomes of the southern elephant seal louse, Lepidophthirus macrorhini. Supplementary Fig. 3. Conserved non-coding AT-rich motifs and GC-rich motifs among the mitochondrial minichromosomes of the northern fur seal louse, Proechinophthirus fluctus. Supplementary Fig. 4. Conserved non-coding AT-rich motifs and GC-rich motifs among the mitochondrial minichromosomes of the Weddell seal louse, Antarctophthirus carlinii. Supplementary Fig. 5. Conserved non-coding AT-rich motifs and GC-rich motifs among the mitochondrial minichromosomes of the crabeater seal louse, Antarctophthirus lobodontis. Supplementary Fig. 6. Conserved non-coding GC-rich motifs among the mitochondrial minichromosomes of the Australian sea lion louse, Antarctophthirus microchir. Supplementary Fig. 7. Conserved non-coding AT-rich motifs and GC-rich motifs among the mitochondrial minichromosomes of the gorilla louse, Pthirus gorillae. Supplementary Fig. 8. Phylogenetic relationships among 21 species of sucking lice (Anoplura) inferred by maximum likelihood (ML) analysis of nucleotide sequences of five mitochondrial protein-coding genes. The elephant louse, Haematomyzus elephantis, was used as the outgroup. The ultrafast bootstrap support (%) / SH-aLRT support (%) were indicated near each node. Supplementary Fig. 9. Alignment of partial 18S rRNA gene, 28S rRNA gene and ef1-α gene sequences between Antarctophthirus carlinii and Antarctophthirus lobodontis. Supplementary Table 1. Mitochondrial minichromosomes of Lepidophthirus macrorhini - louse of southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonine). Supplementary Table 2. Sequence identities between trnW1 and trnW2 of the southern elephant seal louse, Lepidophthirus macrorhini, between trnW genes of Lepidophthirus macrorhini and other seal lice, and between trnW genes and other tRNA genes of Lepidophthirus macrorhini. Identities were generated with ClustalW in Geneious [29]: cost matrix IUB, gap open cost 15, gap extend cost 6.66. Supplementary Table 3. Mitochondrial minichromosomes of Proechinophthirus fluctus - louse of northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus). Supplementary Table 4. Mitochondrial minichromosomes of Antarctophthirus carlinii - louse of Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli). Supplementary Table 5. Mitochondrial minichromosomes of Antarctophthirus lobodontis - louse of crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophagus). Supplementary Table 6. Mitochondrial minichromosomes of Antarctophthirus microchir – louse of Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea). Supplementary Table 7. Mitochondrial minichromosomes of Pthirus gorilla – louse of western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla). Supplementary Table 8. Sequence identities between Antarctophthirus carlinii (louse of Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddelli) and Antarctophthirus lobodontis (louse of crabeater seal, Lobodon carcinophagus). Supplementary Table 9. Sequence identities between Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli) and crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophagus). Supplementary Table 10. Species of parasitic lice included in the phylogenetic analyses in this study.


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