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Additional file 1 of Experiences of Inuit in Canada who travel from remote settings for cancer care and impacts on decision making

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-04-13, 03:37 authored by Janet Jull, Amanda J. Sheppard, Alex Hizaka, Gwen Barton, Paula Doering, Danielle Dorschner, Nancy Edgecombe, Megan Ellis, Ian D. Graham, Mara Habash, Gabrielle Jodouin, Lynn Kilabuk, Theresa Koonoo, Carolyn Roberts
Additional file 1 Table 1. The five priority areas for research identified by and committed by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) in the National Inuit Strategy on Research [24], and research actions in our study.


Canadian Institutes of Health Research
