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Additional file 1 of Evaluating the impact of malleable factors on percent time lecturing in gateway chemistry, mathematics, and physics courses

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-02-11, 04:22 authored by Brandon J. Yik, Jeffrey R. Raker, Naneh Apkarian, Marilyne Stains, Charles Henderson, Melissa H. Dancy, Estrella Johnson
Additional file 1. Supplementary Table 1. Survey items. Supplementary Table 2. Descriptive statistics for level 1 variables (instructors; n = 2,382). Supplementary Table 3. Descriptive statistics for level 2 variables (department; n = 1,405). Supplementary Table 4. Correlations among the variables at level 1 (instructors; n = 2,382). Supplementary Table 5. Correlations among the variables at level 2 (department; n = 1,405). Supplementary Table 6. Variance inflation factors (VIF) on the standardized model.


National Science Foundation
