Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Estimating mother-to-child HIV transmission rates in Cameroon in 2011: a computer simulation approach

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-01-12, 05:00 authored by Hermine Nguefack, Henri Gwet, Sophie Desmonde, Odile Oukem-Boyer, Céline Nkenfou, Mathurin Téjiokem, Patrice Tchendjou, Irénée Domkam, Valériane Leroy, Ahmadou Alioum
Methods of calculation of mother-to-child transmission probabilities and live births rate among HIV positive women. This additional file is a .docx file which contains description of mathematical models used to estimate mother-to-child transmission probabilities. It is also described here how live births rate among HIV positive women were calculated. (DOCX 37 kb)
