Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Epigenetics of the non-coding RNA nc886 across blood, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in offspring exposed to diabetes in pregnancy

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-05-08, 03:41 authored by Line Hjort, Sandra Stokholm Bredgaard, Eleonora Manitta, Irene Marques, Anja Elaine Sørensen, David Martino, Louise Groth Grunnet, Louise Kelstrup, Azadeh Houshmand-Oeregaard, Tine Dalsgaard Clausen, Elisabeth Reinhardt Mathiesen, Sjurdur Frodi Olsen, Richard Saffery, Romain Barrès, Peter Damm, Allan Arthur Vaag, Louise Torp Dalgaard
Additional file 1. Supplementary tables and figures: Table S1 to S9, and Figure S1 to S2.


Fhv. Dir. Leo Nielsen og Hustru Karen Margrethe Nielsens Legat for Lægevidenskabelig Grundforskning Civilingeniør Frode V. Nyegaard og Hustru’s Fond A.P. Møller Fonden Lægeforeningens Forskningfond Novo Nordisk Fonden The Danish Diabetes Association Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research The Innovation Fund Denmark
