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Additional file 1 of Efficacy of an antimicrobial stewardship intervention for early adaptation of antibiotic therapy in high-risk neutropenic patients

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-18, 04:42 authored by Claire Durand, Karine Risso, Michael Loschi, Nicolas Retur, Audrey Emery, Johan Courjon, Thomas Cluzeau, Michel Carles
Supplementary Material 1: File S1. Febrile neutropenia guidelines. Figure S1. Decision algorithm for introduction of empirical antibiotic therapy for febrile neutropenia. Figure S2. Decision algorithm for reassessment of empirical antibiotic therapy with piperacillin-tazobactam or cefepime. Figure S3. Decision algorithm for reassessment of empirical antibiotic therapy with carbapenem. Table S1. Description of bacterial species and antibiotic susceptibility isolated from blood cultures in bacteremia. Table S2. Logistic regression model: factors associated with compliance with early de-escalation and discontinuation strategies
