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Additional file 1 of Effects of maternal folic acid supplementation during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy on neurocognitive development in the child: an 11-year follow-up from a randomised controlled trial

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-10, 04:40 authored by Aoife Caffrey, Helene McNulty, Mark Rollins, Girijesh Prasad, Pramod Gaur, Joel B. Talcott, Caroline Witton, Tony Cassidy, Barry Marshall, James Dornan, Adrian J. Moore, Mary Ward, J. J. Strain, Anne M. Molloy, Marian McLaughlin, Diane J. Lees-Murdock, Colum P. Walsh, Kristina Pentieva
Additional file 1: Methods. Supplementary details in relation to magnetoencephalographic brain imaging. Table S1. Maternal characteristics during pregnancy in all FASSTT trial participants and in the sample whose children completed the FASSTT Offspring trial at 11 years. Table S2. Full Scale IQ, composite and subtest scores for the WISC-IV cognitive assessment in FASSTT Offspring trial participants. Table S3. Maternal characteristics during pregnancy in all FASSTT trial participants and in the sub-sample whose children completed the MEG assessment in the FASSTT Offspring trial.


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